I've been sort of disabled in the past. In August, my Sony Vaio (updated with Windows 7) went flaky and wouldn't start-up. It may only be the SSD drive, or it also could be the RAM, but replacing both to get running again was about the price of getting a used laptop with a better processesor.
So, that's what I did, I saved a bit and grabbed an old laptop so that I have something that works, for now. I have an old Gateway with a Core i3-350M processor (an upgrade from my Vaio's Core Duo).
I managed to get quite a few fonts added to the Font-Journal.com catagorized PC TTF font repository website in August, before this issue, but experienced the problems before mid month and didn't actually pick-out this used Gateway until a week ago. So I kind of had to scramble to get the Windows 7 updates loaded, my software installed, basic settings configured and upload a few fonts this last month (September) before it was over.
Welcome, October! I plan on getting more fonts online this month, though it may be at a slower pace than normal since I had to acquire some extra work in order to afford a new old laptop (along with the Note7 I bought, returned and grabbed an iPhone on loaner, then returned that once the new Galaxy Note 7's were in.
Hopefully I will find a period of less stressful technology for a few months and I can get back on track, once I am caught-up with everything else I'm doing.
As I have been so very busy with all these and other technology SNAFUs, I haven't been able to keep this blog as updated as I have previously. And maybe showing the very same preview that's available on the font-Journal website isn't as cool as doing something different (and hopefully, better).
So I hope to do more updates and announcements of what's happening in the journal posted here in the blog, soon. But in the meantime, I am trying to get Font-Journal.com updated.
Wish me luck!