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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Updated Font: SDSU Collegiate

Updated Freeware Black/Heavy Slab Display Caps PC & Web Font: SDSU Collegiate

SDSU Collegiate Font Download Page

As this font has become a popular downloaded freeware TTF PC & web font at, I decided that I needed to update it.  In the above example graphic, the older character set is used, which I created in 2104.  

This is a black or heavy slab font that lends itself well to collegiate sports, such as football and basketball (etc...) jersey lettering and numbers.  This is why the font specifically did not have any extra punctuation in the first place.  

This font easily reproduces the SDSU printed logo used widely on sports gear.  To recreate the SDSU logo, you must use the lowercase set of capitals in a deep blue, with a yellow outline (the school colors).  Of course, there are a number of variations on that theme, too.

SDSU is the home of the Jackrabbits and have been well known for their basketball teams, but their football program and other sports are extremely competitive, as well (a bit more on that, later..).

Once that SDSU Collegiate showed-up on Font Journal's 'most downloaded' list, I decided that for the convenience of anyone wanting to use the font for more, I would include a basic punctuation and symbols set.  

The font's original character set is given again below (old version, then updated), for comparison...

I never would've dreamt that this display caps font would become so popular.  But it has (at least on my site), so I decided I needed to update the font so that it included a more complete character set to support the basic English language with more punctuation, because I don't want to make using it rough on anyone...

SDSU Collegiate Font Download Page

The original font was created on March 20th, 2014.  I finished updating it with punctuation and symbols on October 6th, 2016.  I have also now expressly given my permission to use this font online on your website or blog as a free web font with this update, especially now that there is punctuation available.  My guess is that most might just be using it for sports jerseys?

This is also a modular font.  If it matters, modular fonts are optimized for Flash, but Flash seems to losing support on the web, though I am sure it must be used in professional animation and video production, still.

As noted, this font, SDSU Collegiate, was originally inspired by the SDSU logo on South Dakota State University jerseys and school booster wear & gear.  This update is publicly released on Font Journal on October 18th, 2016, to celebrate the SDSU Jackrabbits winning the Dakota Marker football game against number 1 ranked NCAA Division 1 FCS team North Dakota State University (the NDSU Bison) on Saturday, October 15th, 2016.

This game's trophy is a stone marker that was once used to mark the dividing border between South and North Dakota, and at least to the two schools (SDSU & NDSU), it really is a big deal.  It's been a long time since SDSU brought that marker home and we are quite proud to have it.

As I have said, I had no idea that so many would download this font, and so this update was merely for the convenience of the users of the font.  Below is a complete look at all the supported characters in the SDSU Collegiate TTF PC & web font:

SDSU Collegiate Font Download Page
While the newly updated font character set pretty much stays true to the original font and simply adds punctuation, as I looked at the character set above I wanted to make a few improvements.

But as the font had already proven itself as a popular download, I decided to make another version of the font and work on the changes I was thinking of, there.  So I wound-up creating "SDSU Collegiate V2", and then I made another, "SDSU Collegiate V2 Extended".   I will be introducing these fonts here on my blog soon, once I get the distribution archive text files buttoned-up, the archives zipped-up, and then the distribution archives uploaded to

LOL... as soon as I am done with this post, Blogger refuses to act nice and save it.  There is so much to be said about hosting your own blog/website.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Modmin Commercial Use Friendly CC Freeware Font

Modmin is a freeware TTF PC and web font Copyright Doug Peters, 2016.

Modmin Creative Commons Freeware Font

Resource LINK:

The font portrayed, included in the distribution archive available for download at the Font-Journal resource link designated, uses reserved name 'Modmin' (filename: "Modmin.ttf"), was created by Doug Peters and was released initially as version 1.0 on October 11th, 2016 as a freeware font under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.

About Modmin:
Modmin is a MODular TTF web font that uses a MINimum of basic latin characters to reduce the overall load of a website.  It was inspired by  the look of older retro machine generated script fonts such as seen in some older word processors and printers.

This font provides a complete capital character set, a complete lowercase character, 0-9 numerals, and it offers a standard set of punctuation characters, plus the TM, Registered Trademark, and Copyright symbols.

This font is a modular font, which also means that it is optimized for Flash.

As a quick synopsis, the font in the distribution archive is free to use for personal, commercial or non-profit projects as the author has released it as a commercial friendly freeware font, and you may even redistribute the fonts as long as credit is given to the original artist/designer for his part in this free culture work, but you may not charge for access to it or otherwise sell it, since as a free work, the font it is intended to remain free to everyone.  If you edit, append, convert or otherwise modify it, please note your contributions to the font in the original documentation and always redistribute it with all documentation together under the same CC BY-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) License.  For specific details on the license, see the "Modmin License.txt" text document included with the archive, or visit one of the following Creative Commons links, as is appropriate for your needs...

CC BY-SA 4.0 License Legal Code:

CC BY-SA 4.0 License Summary:

Technical Issues - Please Stand By...

It has been a while since I've been able to create and post an original font of my own, on my own cataloged freeware and shareware digital font repository,

The main issue is that I have had some technical problems, like PC and smart phone issues.

  1. First, I upgraded from a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to a Note 7, and that experience has not been a good one.  Although I was able to check-out the Apple iPhone 6S Plus as a loaner while I awaited my Galaxy Note 7 replacement, I spent almost all of my time configuring 3 different phones over a month and a half.  Once I finally received the new replacement version of the Note 7 and I have finally configured it (and purchased all sorts of accessories like a wireless charger, 2 cases and more crap for it), all the sudden Samsung wants these things back.  Holy crap, when will I ever stop shopping for a replacement phone and when will I ever get all the settings right, again?
  2. Right after I pre-ordered the Note 7 (as soon as I possibly could), my Note 2 died that very weekend.  And immediately after that weekend, my Sony High Definition Laptop stopped powering up.  The issue is either bad ram or a bad SSD, but it was cheaper for me to buy a $200 used Gateway i3 laptop at my local used PC store (Heartland Computers) than try to fix the old Sony (though I will if I don't find anything better real quickly).
  3. As I had a business cellphone that I could use, I upgraded that line to a Samsung Galaxy CORE Prime.  But, of course, getting that phone kept my nose pointed to the screen until the Note 7 arrived in the mail, because I had to get that one set-up and configured for work.
I've still had access to the online world through android tablets, an iPad, and by borrowing my wife's Dell laptop, but not the always-on-line with 24 hour anytime access using a fully functional and well configured laptop complete with all of my software, as I once had.

Luckily, I am finally getting this dented little old Gateway laptop setup and configured with the proper software and settings and have finally been able to create a few new fonts.  

I apologize for the delay, though I am sure that there is no one counting on me, or them, as I still haven't been able to afford a license for Fontographer, yet, and have been left up to my own list of free online font creation tools for the moment.

But that said, I have been able to finally take a breather and relax, and even play in FontStruct some.  To that end, I have updated 1 font, 'SDSU Collegiate' and created 2 additional versions of that font family, as well as created a new font.  

I plan on posting an announcement for the new font, Modmin, here that will allow a decent preview of the new font, which I have already uploaded to Font-Journal.

Then, I have to blog about the infuriating issues I have with Samsung over at www.Handheld.Tools, if for nothing else, just to get that off my chest (you have no idea).  Then, in the coming days, I plan to upload the updated 'SDSU Collegiate' font and font family archives to Font-Journal, and then I will announce them here, as well.

But, I am getting these issues resolved one by one, and getting back on track again.  Please bear with me.